Mrs. Beth Rose – Supply List

Mrs. Beth Rose – Supply List

Please send the following items to school for your child to use this year:

  • Art/Paint Shirt
  • A sweatshirt that can be left in the coat bag all year. (Many times we find our room is chilly. Students work better if they are comfortable.)
  • Take Home Folder (I can provide this but if your child wants to pick their own folder, that is fine.)
  • An extra set of clothes in a zip lock.  If your child has a spill at lunch, or falls at recess, they can change and be comfortable in their own cloths.
  • Earbuds or headphones   ***Please have these opened from their packaging and in a zip lock that they fit in with their name on the bag.
  • A water bottle is allowed but not necessary.  Please be sure the water bottle is leak proof. Test it out at home. It is very difficult for your child to participate in class if items they need are wet because of leaks on the way to school. It is also a safely hazard if the bottle spills on the floor but goes unnoticed. ONLY water is allowed. Please, no juice, soda, sports drinks, etc. and definitely not any items that would need refrigerated. 
  • 2 boxes of tissues. I will store these and put a box out as needed.

*All of the items will be sent home at the end of the year.

**Please, put your child’s name on each item!

Please note:

  • A pencil box, pencils, crayons and glue sticks will be provided for your student. PLEASE, do not send these items, or colored pencils or markers. Those items will be sent back home.