Our Superintendent

Mr. Dwayne Northcraft

Mr. Dwayne Northcraft
Superintendent Mr. Dwayne Northcraft
Phone: 814-447-5529 Extension 2606
Email: Mr. Northcraft

Dwayne Northcraft was hired in 2016 to lead the Southern Huntingdon County School District. Working his way through college in residential construction, farming and at the 16,000 square foot Meat Laboratory near Beaver Stadium, he graduated from Penn State University in 1987. Mr. Northcraft began teaching science and agriculture in Ephrata, PA.  After earning his graduate degree and administrator certification, he became a principal at age 29 and was then promoted to Director of Education and Superintendent of Schools. In his 38th year of service in Pennsylvania public education, with nearly fourteen years in the Superintendent’s post, Mr. Northcraft is a seasoned educator with a student-centered approach that is needed in our educational system. He encourages continuous improvement and knows that education is serious business.  Our superintendent has formed partnerships throughout the community and collectively works with the staff and Board of Education to expand student opportunities. It is commonplace to see Mr. Northcraft at community and school events, supporting and encouraging our youth to reach their greatest potential. His door is always open to discuss ideas, concerns and District initiatives. SHC is proud of our outstanding District and community—small enough to provide individual attention yet large enough to provide opportunities to prosper. We encourage your involvement as we help every child find joy and passion in their own pathways. In Mr. Northcraft’s words, “every day is a good day for a parent-teacher conference.”

Superintendent’s Goals

2024-2025  – (Mr. Northcraft’s and Mrs. Lambert’s Goals)

  • Expand the use of Board Docs to include agendas, attachments, and minutes.
  • Update the board on any changes, plans, or leadership vision associated with the 180 day/990 hour legislation.
  • Implement a PDE approved instructional model for students with Autism.
  • Following the outcome of the ORJMA feasibility study, the Superintendent will coordinate with the School Board to address the aging elementary facilities, along with providing financial impacts.
  • The Superintendent will coordinate with the Administration to implement strategies that will promote test participation.
  • Policy Review of Sections 200 and 600.

Superintendent Evaluation 2023-24 school year:

According to Section 1073.1 of the Pennsylvania School Code, superintendents must be evaluated via an annual performance review using objective performance standards.

At the May 2024 meeting of the Southern Huntingdon County School Board of Directors, the Board determined a rating of Distinguished for Superintendent Dwayne Northcraft for the 2023-24 school year.