1 to 1 Student Device Handbook 

Southern Huntingdon County School District is committed to the implementation of strategies to enhance the education of our students through our One-to-One (1:1) program. The 1:1 program is defined as a flexible and personalized educational program that integrates new instructional strategies and a mixture of technology tools with the goal of transforming classrooms from teacher-centred to student-centered personalized learning environments which focus on high academics and the integration of 21st century skills. The 1:1 program is occurring as a result of the District’s Five-Year Technology plan, which included a goal to create a 1:1 program. Key components of the 1:1 program include the expanding role of the classroom teacher, use of a learning management system, and use of student mobile computing devices. Teacher roles are expanding to provide a blended approach of traditional and digital learning resources while mentoring students on how to become self-regulated in their own learning. The learning management system enables teachers to organize curriculum content, provide formative assessments to help change instructional practice, and create a more personalized learning path for students. Mobile devices provide the anytime-anywhere access to learning that is needed for our students to become proficient, life-long learners. Student-centered instructional strategies being introduced include project-based learning, active inquiry, computer-based formative assessments, and blended learning. The District continues to provide our educators with ongoing professional development for best practices in using technology and new instructional strategies. Students in grades K-12 will be participating in the 1:1 program. Students in grades 6-12 will have a device assigned that they will take home every night. The tablet/laptop has all of the necessary software needed for their curriculum and learning goals in addition to an internet filter that is active at both school and anywhere the students access the Internet. Costs associated with the 1:1 program are offset with the reduction in technology costs, curtailment of traditional textbook purchases, and extension of current student and staff computer refresh cycles. The District is always searching and applying for additional grant funding to further offset costs. Parents and/or guardians do not have to pay a fee for their student’s in-school technology use, however; damage to technology by the student, willfully or accidentally, shall incur a fee.  


Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

Please take a look at the Federal Government’s CIPA law: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/childrens-internet-protection-act

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

Please take a look at the Federal Government’s COPPA law: https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/rules/rulemaking-regulatory-reform-proceedings/childrens-online-privacy-protection-rule

FBI’s Safety Online

Please look at the reccommendations from the FBI for safe browsing: https://www.fbi.gov/scams-and-safety/on-the-internet

Microsoft Security Bulletins

Please keep your computers up to date with information from Microsoft about vunerabilities: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/bulletins.aspx