The Rocket Band Boosters are an essential part of our band program. They exist to help financially and personally support the band students throughout the school year. Each year, the SHC Band Boosters run the food booth for all home junior high, junior varsity, and varsity football games. The food booth is the primary fundraiser for the Band Boosters each year. The funds raised in the food stand are used to support the band program throughout the school year in the following ways (this is not a complete list):
-Equipment for the band and band front.
-Dry cleaning band uniforms.
-Students attending various music camps.
-Gifts for graduating seniors.
-Scholarships for graduating seniors.
-Goodies bags for students attending festivals.
-Snacks and drinks at festivals hosted by SHC.
-Transportation costs as needed.
-School-owned instrument repairs.
-Costs associated with the band banquet.
Our band members are more worth the time we can give to help them. All of us working together can make this a fun and enjoyable experience. Thank you in advance for the help you can give this year. We appreciate your willingness to serve our students in this manner.
Everyone is welcome to join, and we encourage parents of band front members to join too!
2024-2025 Band Booster Officers
Vice President:
Treasurer: Michelle Book
Food Stand Coordinators: Kelly McMullen & Michelle Book