Class Rules, Management, and Expectations
The following five rules express what the students are expected to follow everyday when they are in class. If a rule is broken, punishment will be managed accordingly.
- Respect everyone in the classroom.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Bring all required materials to class.
- Be alert and undisruptive at all times.
- Cooperate! Try your best everyday.
There is a lock box for cell phones and every student will get a designated number. If students would like to use this box, it will be out daily and students will be expected to use the box during PSSAs. If being used in class for a class game or a resource, I will give permission for usage. Otherwise, phones should not be out or used in class. Absolutely no pictures or videos should be taken in the classroom.
- Verbal warning.
- E-mail/call home.
- Discipline referral, following the SHCMS Handbook.
- If problems continue, a meeting with a principal, teacher, and student will occur.
- If the previous meeting (#4) does not resolve the problem, the parent will be contacted requesting a meeting with the student and a principal.
More severe violations will require more immediate actions without a warning being issued.
Cafeteria violations will be dealt with on the spot; lunch detention can be issued.
- Homework is expected to be turned in on time; if not, points will be deducted accordingly. You must have your assignment in class in order for it to be on time; not in your locker, another classroom, on the bus, etc.
- If you are caught cheating on an assignment, it is a zero and you will not have a chance to redo it.
- Cooperation is expected everyday!
- Bring your materials everyday, especially a charged computer!
- A folder/binder needs to be kept and will be graded for credit every quarter.
- Extra credit will be offered/awarded once a quarter to EVERY student. Take advantage of extra credit!
How to earn extra credit points:
- signed progress report from home (+10) at mid-marking
- bonus questions on tests