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District Calendar
Girls Basketball (JH/JV/V) – AWAY @ So. Fulton
GB @ SF 4:45 JH (A game only)/6:00 JV/7:15 Varsity (all games now at the H.S.)
Elementary Boys’ Basketball games and League Championship
HS Main GymMake-up dates will be 2/17/24 8 to 2pm 2/24/2024 8 to 2 pm 3/2/2024 8 to 2pm
Girls Basketball – AWAY @ JC Christmas Tourn
Girls 4:00 vs. Juniata Valley
Boys Basketball – AWAY @ JC Christmas Tourn
BB 5:30 vs. Juniata Valley
Girls Basketball – AWAY @ JC Christmas Tourn
GB 4:0o Consy or 7:00 Championship
Boys Basketball – AWAY @ JC Christmas Tourn
BB 5:30 Consy or 8:30 Championship
JH Girls Basketball – HOME (Christmas Tournament)
JHG BB 4:15 vs. Huntingdon