Springs Farms Closing for the 23-24 School Year

Important Announcement! SHCSD

Springs Farms Closing for the 23-24 School Year

As a result of last evening’s budget meeting, we decided that a plan for Spring Farms will be much more beneficial to the faculty, staff, students, and parents than progressing into a summer of uncertainty.  I shared with the Board that the Administration will need a confirmation on whether to open or not open Spring Farms by May 1st.  All were in agreement that by waiting, the District will not have enough information in time to make an informed reopening decision for next school year.  The conversation progressed to the consensus of closing the facility for the 23-24 school year.  The intent is to assign all Elementary teachers to their 23-24 classrooms by the May 25th & 26th in-service days. 

Parents will be notified of their Elementary child’s homeroom teacher in the same manner and time frame as prior years. 

The Administration plans to research some scenarios including:  

  • K-3 in Rockhill and Shade Gap
  • 4-5 moving to the HS/MS
  • K-3 students on the Rockhill side of the Joe Steven’s Memorial Bridge will attend RH.  K-3 students on the Orbisonia side of the Joe Steven’s Memorial Bridge will attend SG.  K-3 Spring Farms students will attend RH.  
  • Transportation routes may need adjusted accordingly
  • HS/MS teachers will be notified of room changes by May 1st 
  • Programming that will allow us to serve some special education students in-house that are currently in outside placements 
  • Transition plans will be discussed in detail with the faculty during the May 12th Data day
  • Components of this transition plan will be discussed with parents at Kindergarten registration