Spring Farms Oil Tank Update

Spring Farms Oil Tank Leak

The tank was removed and a crack approximately one foot long was in the end of the tank near the bottom.  The tank hole is now excavated and the tank removed.  Huntingdon County Emergency Management was contacted and we asked that they inspect the hole and coordinate with DEP. 

The well water tests for the school and the closest residence do not reveal any petroleum products.

What Next?

The Southern Huntingdon County School Board will hold a Building and Grounds Committee Meeting on Monday, January 30, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the high school/middle school library to discuss the Spring Farms Elementary School oil release.  Engineers and specialists will be present to provide overview and answer questions.  The Meeting is open to the public. A Zoom link is also available.

Meeting Topics:

  • Replacement tank
  • Current status of findings
  • Bidding for environmental cleanup
  • Question and answer session

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