Spring Farms Oil Release Update:
Approximately three weeks ago, the District received word from P. Joseph Lehman Engineers that well #8 revealed signs of fuel oil and that further testing would confirm. After a second round of testing, we received the following email from the environmental engineers.
“Find attached the results from the second round of new monitor well sampling for MW-7 and MW-8. Also attached is the site map showing the locations of all the site monitor wells including MW-7 (well in front of school) and MW-8 (next to the tank excavation).
These results are similar to the first-round results with detections and an exceedance for benzene above DEP criteria in MW-8 and no detections in MW-7. These results do confirm that there was a release into the groundwater above DEP criteria from the heating oil tank. We will now be discussing these results with PA USTIF to determine what additional actions should be taken.”
Well #8 is identified with a red circle on the site map. If you have additional concerns regarding the data tables, please email dnorthcraft@shcsd.org and your questions will be answered or forwarded to the P. Joseph Lehman Engineers.