Spring Farms Elementary Update – 06/29/2023

Important Announcement! SHCSD

The drilling of six monitoring wells yielded one detection in well #6 but did not reach the cleanup threshold. Well number four had a slight detection with nothing approaching the DEP standard. The next testing is the second round of regular quarterly testing, which did not support any residential or school well findings during the first round.

What next:
Our environmental engineers are working to have a firm experienced in fracture trace/geophysical analysis to assess the area around the School on where the heating oil may have gone. This initial assessment will take about eight weeks to complete. It will consist of a karst-focused desk study, a site reconnaissance and a preliminary geophysical investigation that could start in early July.

An update of the most current information will be provided during the July 25th Spring Farms Zoom meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m.