Update on Spring Farms Fuel Tank Release
January 30, 2023 1:00 p.m.
The white absorbent pads were placed in the bottom of the hole on Friday, January 27. Each pad will turn pink when heating oil is absorbed and has the capacity to hold one gallon of heating oil. Only a few of the pads reveal a light pink color with the majority remaining white.
With overwhelming evidence that the oil was absorbed in the soil and geologic structure beneath the tank, a public meeting will be held this evening at 5:30 p.m. in the high school / middle school library and Zoom to discuss how the District plans to address this issue.
Representatives from Petroleum Maintenance, P. Joseph Lehman, Inc. and Huntingdon County EMA will be in attendance to explain the cleanup procedures, timelines and to answer questions.
All wells within 2500-foot radius of the Spring Farms Elementary School well will be tested by an environmental consulting firm. Frank Catherine, P.E., Geologic Services Director, will also discuss the well testing and environmental cleanup process.
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